Seventeen million tonnes of surplus food is dumped on landfills every year.
Of 17 million tonnes of waste food, four million tonnes is edible.
The cost of this waste if around £18 billion annually.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, up to one-fifth of America's food goes to waste each year, with an estimated 130 pounds of food per person ending up in landfills. The annual value of this lost food is estimated at around $31 billion But the real story is that roughly 49 million people could have been fed by those lost resources.
Institute of Child Health
"By the end of 1998, the Third World's external debt amounted to 2.4 trillion dollars,
That is, four times the total in 1982, only 18 years ago."
"Between 1982 and 1998, these countries paid over 3.4 trillion dollars for debt servicing;
In other words, almost a trillion dollars more than the current debt. Far from decreasing,
The debt grew by 45% in those 16 years."
That is, four times the total in 1982, only 18 years ago."
"Between 1982 and 1998, these countries paid over 3.4 trillion dollars for debt servicing;
In other words, almost a trillion dollars more than the current debt. Far from decreasing,
The debt grew by 45% in those 16 years."
"Life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa is barely 48 years. That is 30 years less than in the developed countries.
The Richest 16% of the World Uses 80% of Earth's Natural Resources
That's the estimated toll the wealthiest populations on the globe -- the United States,
Europe and Japan -- are taking from the earth's natural bounty to sustain their way of
Life. In the U.S. Alone, says Emily Matthews of the World Resources Institute, every
Man, woman and child is responsible for the consumption of about 25 tons of raw
Materials each year.
How many people go to bed hungry? "More than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World."
More than 800 million people still suffer from hunger or diseases associated with undernourishment, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said in its annual report.
The Richest 16% of the World Uses 80% of Earth's Natural Resources
That's the estimated toll the wealthiest populations on the globe -- the United States,
Europe and Japan -- are taking from the earth's natural bounty to sustain their way of
Life. In the U.S. Alone, says Emily Matthews of the World Resources Institute, every
Man, woman and child is responsible for the consumption of about 25 tons of raw
Materials each year.
How many people go to bed hungry? "More than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World."
More than 800 million people still suffer from hunger or diseases associated with undernourishment, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said in its annual report.